CALLING ALL GIRL SCOUT TROOPS! Earn a badge in a day with Girl Scout Badge Backpacks at the Springs Preserve. Created by Girl Scout Troop 777, the Badge Backpack provides the tools, materials* and instructions needed for scouts to earn a badge while exploring the Springs Preserve.
Get ready for some hands-on fun while learning about nature, history, and conservation. The activities and explorations included in each backpack take about 2-3 hours to complete (see list of options for approximate timing of each backpack offering). Badges must be purchased separately.
To participate in the Badge Backpack program, Girl Scout leaders must reserve a Badge Backpack by submitting an online inquiry form. Backpacks must be used on the Springs Preserve campus during operating hours in a single day. Each backpack is available for one checkout each day.
Leaders and Chaperones
The backpack program allows for one adult per 5 scouts. Additional adults, tag-alongs and any other non-scout must purchase a general admission ticket for entrance to the Springs Preserve.
*Some backpacks will require troops to bring their own materials.
The Badge Backpacks were created and funded entirely by Girl Scout Troop 777, earning the troop members Bronze and Silver High Awards.

Badge Backpack Options
- Daisies: Daisy Trail Adventure (Approx. 2 hours)
- Brownies: Outdoor Art Creator (Approx. 4 hours)
- Juniors: Animal Habitats (Approx. 2-3 hours)
- Cadette: Outdoor Art Apprentice (Approx. 3 hours)
- Seniors: Outdoor Art Expert (Approx. 3 hours)
- Ambassador: Outdoor Art Master (Approx. 3 hours)
More backpacks coming!