Rules and regulations
In 1997, the Las Vegas Valley Water District Board of Directors approved a plan to develop a preserve to protect and manage the cultural, natural and water resources of the site, and the Springs Preserve opened to the public in June 2007 (“Springs Preserve”).
The Springs Preserve Board of Trustees (“Board of Trustees”), which is comprised of representatives from the Las Vegas Valley Water District Board of Directors, the Springs Preserve Foundation Board of Directors, the Las Vegas City Council, the University of Nevada Regents, and Nevada historical and humanities interests, along with the Las Vegas Valley Water District (“LVVWD”), is responsible for creating policy and overseeing management of the Springs Preserve. For management of day-to-day operations of the Springs Preserve, the Board of Trustees has delegated its authority to the Director of the Public Services Department of the Las Vegas Valley Water District (“Director”) to adopt and enforce those rules and regulations that may be necessary and appropriate for the Director to carry out his/her duties and responsibilities. In order to manage the Springs Preserve, the Director has adopted and will enforce the rules and regulations (“Rules and Regulations”) that may be necessary and appropriate for the Springs Preserve to execute on the mission of creating a visitor experience that builds culture and community, inspires environmental stewardship and celebrates the vibrant history of the Las Vegas Valley. The Springs Preserve may amend, modify, or withdraw any of these Rules and Regulations at any time if such changes are deemed in the Springs Preserve’s best interest.
The Springs Preserves welcomes visitors and provides a pleasant and safe atmosphere. In addition to obeying all applicable federal, state, and local laws, visitors shall engage in normal behavior and activities associated with museums, galleries, botanical gardens, trail systems and attractions. These Rules and Regulations establish standards of prohibited and appropriate behaviors and activities.
Guests to the Springs Preserve are responsible for knowing and abiding by all Rules and Regulations. Guests may obtain a copy of current Rules and Regulations on the Springs Preserve website or from Springs Preserve Staff. A summary of the Rules and Regulations is also posted onsite at the Springs Preserve. By entering the Springs Preserve, guests accept and agree to be bound by the Rules and Regulations. Guests may be subject to removal without refund from the Springs Preserve at the discretion of the employees at the Springs Preserve (“Springs Preserve Staff”) for non-compliance with these Rules and Regulations or other behavior deemed disruptive, disorderly, unsafe or improper by the Springs Preserve Staff.
General Provisions
With the exception of visitors attending private meetings or private events, public access inside the Springs Preserve for any person other than Springs Preserve staff, members, neighbors with neighbor cards and volunteers (“Guest”) is permissible only upon presentation of a valid ticket, membership card or neighbor card. General admission tickets include entrance to select attractions, including the Nevada State Museum, but do not include admission to special events. General admission tickets expire one year from date of purchase and are valid for one visit per ticket. Admission for children 2 and under is free.
Valid tickets must clearly state the date and time and have a valid bar code that has never been previously scanned (redeemed). A ticket is considered invalid if the ticket has been reproduced or duplicated or if the ticket has previously been redeemed.
Guests must supervise their children at all times. Guests under age 12 must be accompanied by a Guest age 18 or older to enter the Springs Preserve.
The Springs Preserve may restrict access to, or close, any of its property and cancel ticket reservations without advance notice, reason, cause, or explanation at any time.
Tickets may be revoked at any time at the sole discretion of the Springs Preserve. Ticket prices and plans are subject to change, without notice, at the sole discretion of the Springs Preserve.
The Springs Preserve tickets and associated service fees are non-refundable. In the event of an unforeseen Springs Preserve closure, however, visitors with tickets for affected dates or times can reschedule for the next available time slot at no additional cost.
Trespassing, entering, or remaining in or upon the Springs Preserve property not open to the public, except with express consent of the Springs Preserve Staff, is prohibited. Any access onto or within any adjacent area under construction or closed to the general public is also prohibited.
All bags, backpacks, and other packages may be subject to inspection to ensure the safety of everyone at the Springs Preserve. In the event a bag or other item is left unattended, the Springs Preserve Staff will handle that particular item in the manner it deems most appropriate, which may include destruction, notifying the police or other actions.
Free parking is available onsite. During special events, Guests may need to park in designated offsite overflow lots. Vehicles must have a member decal to park in designated locations reserved for Springs Preserve members. Parking outside of Springs Preserve designated parking areas and overflow lots is at your own risk.
Electric vehicle charging stations are located in the main parking lot. Drivers must register with ChargePoint, a large electric vehicle charging network.
Bikes, skateboards, scooters, dirt bikes, four-wheelers or other recreational vehicles are not allowed on the Springs Preserve.
With the exception of some unpaved portions of the Springs Preserve trails not accessible due to their historic nature, the Springs Preserve is wheelchair-accessible. Wheelchairs are available for free on first-come, first-served basis and strollers are available for rent at our ticketing window on a first come, first-served basis. See Stroller Rentals website for prices.
Guests are allowed to bring outside food and nonalcoholic beverage items into the Springs Preserve for self-consumption, provided they do not require heating, reheating, processing, refrigeration, or temperature control. Coolers and bags can be no larger than 24" x 15" x 18". Glass containers (other than small containers such as baby food jars) and alcohol are also prohibited. Dry ice and loose ice are not permitted in coolers. Reusable ice packs are recommended. Ice in small bags, such as zip-top baggies, is allowed. Inform the ticketing staff of any food items when you enter. All bags and coolers will be inspected prior to entry.
For the safety of Guests, plants and wildlife, Guests must remain on the designated paths including the hiking trails. Guests are prohibited from removing or relocating plant materials or archaeological artifacts. Guests are prohibited from disturbing, touching or feeding wildlife at the Springs Preserve.
The Springs Preserve is a non-smoking facility. Smoking of tobacco, e-cigarettes, or other products that produce vapor or smoke is strictly prohibited.
Pets or other animals whose sole function is to provide comfort, companionship or support are not allowed in the Springs Preserve. The purpose of this rule is to ensure wildlife is not disturbed and to protect the archaeological artifacts on the site. Service Animals are allowed. Service Animal is defined in NRS 426.097 as a dog, and/or a miniature horse, that is individually trained to do work, or perform tasks for a person with a disability. A disability is defined in NRS 426.068 as a physical, cognitive, or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities.
Service Animals may not, however, pose a direct threat to the health or safety of other people. The Service Animal must comply with state and local animal control laws and must at all times stay quietly by its owner’s side unless performing a specific task for its owner. Service Animals must be leashed, harnessed, or tethered unless such a device interferes with the service animal’s work, or the owner’s disability prevents using such a device. In such cases, the owner must control the Service Animal through her or his voice, hand signals, or other effective means. Vests, tags, or other working-animal accessories are not required but may make it easier for people to identify a Service Animal.
The Springs Preserve does not accept donations of live animals or allow the release of animals on property. The Springs Preserve may accept plant donations. Email the Springs Preserve for plant donation here.
The Springs Preserve is currently open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thursday through Monday. The Springs Preserve Members receive early-morning, members-only entry to the Botanical Garden and Trails beginning at 8:00 a.m. Occasionally, operating hours will change due to, among other things, special events. People with questions regarding possible early closures are directed to call: (702) 822-7700.
Certain Springs Preserve areas and exhibits may have different operating hours than the overall property. Visit for details on the operating hours of individual exhibits.
The Springs Preserve is closed on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
Access to public restrooms inside the Springs Preserve is intended solely for ticketed Springs Preserve Guests and for individuals with member or neighbor cards.
After entering and exiting the Springs Preserve, the Springs Preserve ticket holder Guest may not re-enter the Springs Preserve without a hand stamp (same day only).
In the case of an emergency, re-entry into the Springs Preserve may be granted at the sole discretion of the Springs Preserve Staff. If a ticket holder is permitted re-entry, the Guest must re-enter through the main Springs Preserve public entrance, pass through security screening again, and be escorted into the Springs Preserve by Springs Preserve Staff.
All groups of 10 individuals or more are required to designate their own “group leader” who is responsible for making ticket purchases, following proper Springs Preserve group check-in procedures (explained by the Springs Preserve Staff at the time of ticket purchase), maintaining control over the behavior of group members while at the Springs Preserve, and acting as the primary liaison between group members and the Springs Preserve Staff for the duration of the group’s visit.
Interpretive information inside the Springs Preserve will be provided only by the Springs Preserve Staff unless otherwise sanctioned by the Springs Preserve. Guided tours within the Springs Preserve conducted by any person, organization, or entity other than a Springs Preserve-sponsored entity are not permitted without advance permission. Tour operators or other group leaders, including school officials, may reserve tickets for a group’s visit to the Springs Preserve. To schedule a group tour, reservations are required at least two weeks in advance.
While on the Springs Preserve property, all guests shall comply with all posted signs.
Violating the order of, or preventing the execution of duties by, the Springs Preserve Staff is prohibited.
Threatening, resisting, intimidating, or intentionally interfering with the Springs Preserve Staff engaged in an official duty, or on account of the performance of an official duty, is prohibited.
Failure to obey an order to leave the Springs Preserve, or re-enter the Springs Preserve after being ordered to leave or not re-enter, is also prohibited.
All persons suffering bodily injury on the Springs Preserve property, or having knowledge of damage to the Springs Preserve, are required to report the occurrence(s) to the Springs Preserve Staff immediately following the incident. Interfering with the Springs Preserve Staff functions or providing a false report to the Springs Preserve Staff is prohibited.
Claims—Risk Management
The Springs Preserve works to minimize potential risks. However, accidents can happen. Our Risk Management team handles investigating and reporting incidents at the Preserve that result in injury or damage to property. If you have been involved in this type of incident, please report it using our online portal:
Report an IncidentDismissal from the Springs Preserve is warranted upon Springs Preserve Staff’s determination that a Guest has engaged in disorderly or prohibited conduct. Disorderly conduct may include, but is not limited to, any of the following prohibited acts occurring anywhere in the Springs Preserve:
- Making unreasonable noise or behaving inappropriately.
- Engaging in fighting, violent, or threatening behavior.
- Unless approved in advance in writing, engaging in commercial activities, soliciting, and/or vending.
- Loitering or sleeping.
- Bathing.
- Obstructing the use of public areas such as entrances, foyers, lobbies, corridors, concourses, offices, elevators, escalators, stairways, roadways, driveways, walkways, or trails.
- Throwing or dropping any items from or at buildings or persons.
- Interfering with, or obstructing authorized vehicular traffic.
- Impeding or threatening the security of persons or property.
- Willfully defacing, destroying, or damaging Springs Preserve property.
- Smoking.
- Using lighters, matches, or candles without prior authorization from Springs Preserve Staff.
- Tampering with, damaging, and/or removing wildlife, archaeological artifacts, exhibit elements or props, plant material and/or climbing trees.
- Unauthorized leafletting or hand billing.
- Unauthorized demonstrating or rallying.
- Engaging in expressive activity that has the effect, intent or propensity to draw a crowd of onlookers is prohibited except for activities conducted by Springs Preserve Staff. The Springs Preserve will allow guests free expression, speech, and assembly in an area designed by the Springs Preserve Staff subject to the Guest obtaining prior written approval and designation of the limited public forum area.
All Guests in the Springs Preserve must dispose of personal refuse and items for recycling only in designated receptacles. Removing objects from trash or recycling receptacles is prohibited.
Any person who violates any provision of the Springs Preserve Rules and Regulations is subject to dismissal from the Springs Preserve without refund. A violator’s re-entry may also be prohibited at the discretion of Springs Preserve Staff. Where warranted in such cases, the police department will be contacted for assistance and criminal charges filed.
Marijuana, illegal substances and outside alcohol are strictly prohibited. Anyone believed by Springs Preserve Staff to be in violation of this rule will be removed from the Springs Preserve immediately without refund.
For those events which the Springs Preserve-contracted food service provider will serve alcohol, no special arrangements are required. In the case of a special event in which alcohol is served by someone other than the Springs Preserve-contracted food service provider, prior written approval from Springs Preserve and the Springs Preserve-contracted food service provider is required. Such events are required to obtain any relevant permits or licenses independently.
In accordance with the signs posted at each entrance to the Springs Preserve, firearms and weapons are prohibited in the Springs Preserve.
Proper attire, including shirts and shoes, must be worn at all times. Masks may not be worn by guests ages 14 or older unless required for medical purposes. The Springs Preserve reserves the right to deny admission to or remove any person wearing attire the Springs Preserve Staff considers inappropriate or attire that could detract from the experience of other guests. There are specific costume guidelines for special events such as Haunted Harvest and Dia de Muertos. When masks are worn by guests age 14 and under, the masks must provide unobstructed peripheral vision at all times with openings that allow the eyes to be fully seen.
The Springs Preserve may from time to time, without prior notice and without refund, liability or compensation, change the operating hours, close the Springs Preserve or any part of it temporarily, restrict the number of persons having access to the Springs Preserve, and/or suspend or cancel any attraction or entertainment program if the Springs Preserve Staff considers that the circumstances so require.
Photography, Videography and Audio Recording Guidelines
The Springs Preserve reserves the right to manage and monitor photography, videography and audio recordings of Guests at any time anywhere in the Springs Preserve.
- The Springs Preserve or any of its contracted photographers may photograph, film, videotape or record any Guest at any time. The Guest’s ticket serves as permission for the use of the Guest’s image and voice by the Springs Preserve. Adult guests accompanying any minor guest are deemed to have also consented to photography, filming, videotaping or recording by Springs Preserve of such minor guests by virtue of entering the Springs Preserve.
- All photography, videography and audio recording is at the discretion of the Springs Preserve.
- Commercial filming and photography are permitted by appointment at the discretion of the Springs Preserve. Fees are required and certain restrictions may apply. For information about commercial photography and filming, click here.
- Monopod / tripod / easel use by amateur photographers and artists must not interrupt the flow of traffic and may be prohibited in certain areas at the discretion of the Springs Preserve Staff.
- All Guests must purchase a special event ticket on days and hours in which the Springs Preserve is hosting a special event. Guests without a membership or neighbor card must purchase a general admission ticket if they will be entering areas requiring a general admission ticket.
- Photography, painting or drawing sessions must not interfere with the enjoyment of the Springs Preserve by other Guests or create any safety concerns. Hand-held easels (without legs) for drawing or painting are also permitted any time.
- The Springs Preserve reserves the right to limit access for wagons, carts and large equipment.
- All cameras and related equipment are subject to security screening at the discretion of the Springs Preserve Staff.
- Photographer Guests will manage photography in a manner which will not negatively impact the experience of other Guests.
- All Guests must adhere to the Rules and Regulations or they may be removed from the Springs Preserve.
- Drone photography is prohibited unless advance written approval is obtained from the Springs Preserve.
Members of the news media planning to acquire photos, video, or comments for any purpose must contact the Springs Preserve Media Contact. The 24-hour media contact telephone number is 702-259-8220. Click here for media contact information.
Whenever commercial ventures are permitted to photograph or film on the Springs Preserve, a license, permit, facilities agreement or written agreement must be obtained prior to such activity. Such authorizations are subject to review by the Springs Preserve Staff.
All contracts, licenses, permits, facilities agreements or contracts will contain a “hold harmless” clause for Springs Preserve and Springs Preserve Staff.
Insurance will also be required with a certificate of insurance naming the Springs Preserve as additional insured. Theatrical commercial ventures such as motion picture or major television filming projects require liability coverage (with minimum limits subject to the discretion of the Springs Preserve Staff), with required inclusion of the Springs Preserve in the insurance rider. The script or storyboard is subject to review by the Springs Preserve prior to approval of the project or the beginning of any filming. A final shooting script should be available at least two weeks in advance of scheduled shooting. Subject to special consideration by the Springs Preserve Staff, the name “Springs Preserve” will not be used in the script or publicity about the commercial photographic project. Identifiable buildings, landmarks, trademarks and/or logos may not be photographed unless specifically permitted. After the suitability of the commercial film project is determined and logistics for filming established, the letter of agreement, permit, license, facilities or location agreement will be drafted and reviewed by Springs Preserve Staff. Thereafter, a determination will be made regarding execution of the agreement and fees.
There is a fee for a personal photo shoot for more than 20 people, including the photographer, for non-exclusive use of the Springs Preserve. Click here for more information.
Photo shoots of more than 20 people must be scheduled in advance of the actual date of the photo shoot. The fee must be paid in full prior to the commencement of the photography session. All photo sessions must adhere to their scheduled appointments.
Springs Preserve reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to withhold and/or withdraw permission to photograph on its premises or to reproduce or disseminate photographs of its facilities, artifacts, wildlife, plant materials, or any part of the Springs Preserve Property. Springs Preserves reserves the right to review and approve images in advance of publication and may include a safety review of various construction-related images.
A photo and video license agreement must accompany any image distributed on behalf of Springs Preserve to an outside requesting business or commercial agency. In instances of media requests, a written photo license agreement form is at the discretion of the Las Vegas Valley Water District Public Information Office at 702-258-3930.
Springs Preserve Signature Gathering and Limited Public Forum Area
The Springs Preserve Staff has designated amphitheater public forum area at the upper parking lot entrance to the Orientation Gallery for signature gathering pursuant to NRS 293.127565 and as a limited public forum where members of the community may exercise, to the extent permitted by law, their First Amendment rights to free expression, speech, and assembly. Such activities shall be consistent with the maintenance of Springs Preserve facilities and the free flow of persons and traffic and shall not interfere with other scheduled activities. Interference with entrances to buildings, or the Springs Preserve is strictly prohibited. The designated area shall be reserved through the Las Vegas Valley Water District Public Information Office at 702-258-3930. The reservation system seeks to provide a crowd control measure by ensuring that a safe number of people are using the limited public forum area. Restrictions imposed for this area shall be on the time, place, and manner of expression.
Groups with more than 10 people must first seek a permit from the Springs Preserve Staff prior to assembling. The Springs Preserve Staff shall deny any permit if the activity will present unreasonable danger to the public health or safety. The purpose of the permitting system is not to limit expression, but rather to provide the Springs Preserve with the forewarning necessary to coordinate multiple events and assemble proper security. After an application for a permit has been submitted, the Springs Preserve Staff will, typically within 14 days, render a decision on the application. However, due to staffing limitations, the Springs Preserves reserves the right to extend the decision period for an additional 14 days. In the event the Springs Preserve desires to exercise this option, it will notify the applicant(s) prior to the expiration of the first 14 day period.
The limited public forum area will only be available for free expression during general operating hours of the Springs Preserve. Limiting access to only the operating hours ensures the Springs Preserve Staff’s ability to monitor all activity on the property and ensure the safety of all Guests and preservation of the Springs Preserve property.
Special Events
The Springs Preserve hosts numerous annual signature special events and festivals tied into holidays, seasons and cultural celebrations. One of Springs Preserve’s primary goals in the production of the special events and festivals is to immerse Guests in an authentic experience. In order to achieve this goal, Springs Preserve exercises its discretion in choosing its vendors, performers and exhibitors based upon, among other factors, the congruence between the primary focus of the vendor, performer or exhibitor with the music, dance, entertainment, activities, and food and retail offerings at the specific special event or festival.
Any vendor, performer or exhibitor interested in participation in special events at Springs Preserve may complete and submit for Springs Preserve’s consideration a special event participation form. While any vendor, performer, or exhibitor may submit the special event participation form, the determination regarding whether such vendor, performer or exhibitor will be offered the opportunity to submit an application is in the sole discretion of Springs Preserve Staff.
Vendor and exhibitor spaces are limited and vary in prices and Springs Preserve reserves the right to decline any applicant. Should an exhibitor or vendor be invited to submit an application, approval of such application will be subject to Springs Preserve Staff’s sole discretion, timely submission of the properly completed application packet, full payment of the required fees, and confirmation of valid required federal, state and local licenses.
Past and currently planned annual special events and festivals include, but are not limited to, the following (subject to Springs Preserve’s discretion):
- Black History Month Festival – February
- Food vendors who specialize in quality foods that support African-American heritage.
- Business vendors who offer quality products or businesses that support African-American heritage
- Non-profit vendors or community organizations or groups that support and reflect African-American heritage
- Haunted Harvest – October
- Food vendors providing quality food options (e.g., pizza, burgers, hot dogs, tacos, etc.) or festival snacks (e.g., funnel cake, cotton candy, etc.)
- Business vendors who offer family-friendly services and products
- Non-profit vendors and/or community organizations or groups that offer family-friendly products or services
- Día de Muertos – November
- Food vendors who specialize in Mexican and Latin America cuisine
- Business vendors who offer products related to Mexican and Latin American cultural traditions
- Non-profit vendors and/or community organizations or groups that support and reflect Latino heritage